About Us
BornNASTY is the belief that we’re all born with a dream, a passion, a technique, a talent, etc. But it’s up to us to find it, nourish it and make it a reality. It doesn’t matter your background, where you grew up or the mistakes you’ve made, what matters is what you decide to do from this moment on. You and you alone control your actions and reactions. Trust in yourself to put in the work and dedication to hone your craft or passion. Take that leap of faith, believe that even when the world tells you you’re not good enough, you know you are. No one can stop you, no one can hold you down, no one will get in the way of your dream because you will do whatever it takes. The strength is within you, the dedication is within you, the fight is within YOU. No more waiting….the time to unleash it is now, not tomorrow, not next week but now.
Look the world in the face and say “I’m here and you will know my name because I am BornNASTY!”.